Create a Array of integer


To manage ldap entry ( via new ansible modules ldap_attr and ldap_entry ) i need a different uidNumber than already exist

to making it i’m doing these jobs :

  • name: Initialize an empty list for our strings
  • name: create array
    set_fact: uidRange=“{{ uidRange }} + [ {{ item| to_json }} ]”
    with_sequence: start=5000 end=6000

then on my code, i making a array difference with uidNumber already exist ( via** ansible-plugin-lookup_ldap**

) ( uidNumber=“{{ uidRange| difference(uidUsed) |min }}” )

But i’m not fully satify as the task “create array” create lot of output

adding the option “no_log: True” is not helping it’s replace all iteration with censored due to no_log

Do you known how to disable output of a task or have you a better way to create a array of integer ?


I tested this (note the '|list' part at the point of variable usage, because I couldn't fit it in set_fact):