Correct way to generate and use per host user passwords + possible regression

Good evening everyone, I’m looking for an automated way to create user accounts with random passwords and re-using them for the ansible_sudo_pass variable.

Is there an official position on how to do/accomplish this?
My current solution broke after an update from Ansible 1.9 to Ansible 2 and I struggle to make it work under Ansible 2.

For more details let me explain my solution and how it breaks with Ansible 2.

I create a new user and store its password with this task:

- name: Create user
  user: name=deployer group=deployer password={{item}} state=present
  with_password: "./passwords/my-server/users/deployer encrypt=sha256_crypt"

In a different playbook I use the previously created user and its password like this:

oppertunity to shameless plug my own lookup :wink:
But if you convert to password-store for storing and creating passwords you could use my lookup plugin which does all this. (except for the part of reencrypting it with sha256, just file an issue)

If you lookup a password with create=true in the lookup it will even create a new password for you. Tested with ansible 2.0

Kind regards,
Patrick Deelman