Copying files from vsphere datastore to host

With vsphere_copy, I can upload files to a vsphere datastore, but I want to download a .vmdk file from a datastore to my local server. Is there an ansible module that will let me download from a datastore?

spongebob33167 <> writes:

With vsphere_copy, I can upload files to a vsphere datastore, but I want to
download a .vmdk file from a datastore to my local server. Is there an
ansible module that will let me download from a datastore?

Hi Spongebob33167!

You can already browse the /folder end-point with a browser and so use
the get_url module:

e.g: on my ESXi returns a listing of the
datacenter. And I can navigate to finally download a file.

The API documentation:


Thank you! get_url works. The tricky part was figuring out the url to the file I wanted.