copy each confi file on each server

Hi all. I hope anybody can help me.
I have a few servers called SERVER-01 SERVER-02…SERVER-N
and *.conf files for this servers

tree roles/put_cameras/files/nginx/

│ ├── config01.conf
│ ├── config02.conf

├── SERVER-02
│ ├── config01.conf
│ ├── config02.conf

│ ├── config01.conf
│ ├── config02.conf

can you tell me, how to put files from files/nginx/SERVER-01/{.conf} to SERVER-01 /etc/nginx; files/nginx/SERVER-02/{.conf} to SERVER-02 /etc/nginx; files/nginx/SERVER-N/{*.conf} to SERVER-N /etc/nginx;
I think i can do it throw loops? but i don’t understand how…

Something like this ? (directly copied from a play I use… not tweaked to your settings :wink: )

#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook

Fetch files from remote hosts