I have a role which contains tasks that are executed based on a variable set in a playbook. In my case I have a provisioning playbook and a configuration playbook. Both share a role named ebs_single
. In this role I’ve tasks which should be executed only in the provisioning step and some other tasks which should be executed in the configuration step.
- name: Some provisioning task
with_items: "{{ ec2.instances }}"
register: ec2_volumes
when: ebs_single_provisioning
- name: Some configuration task
when: ebs_single_configuration
Prior to 2.0 this wasn’t an issue, because I’ve used a bare variable in with_items
with_items: ec2.instances
But now if I try to fix the deprecation warning, I get an error that the variable ec2
is not found.
I’m not sure if this is an issue or if it’s by design. But how can I use such a concept with Ansible 2.0?
I’ve tried to default the variable if it’s not set. But this doesn’t work. I think also this would be the wrong way to fix this issue, because in the provisioning step an error should be thrown if the variable doesn’t exists.
with_items: "{{ ec2.instances|default(omit) }}"
Any suggestions?
Best regards,