connection timeout during banner exchange error

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When i try to ansible-playbook i am getting the connection timeout during banner exchange, it also makes my vm to hang. i am also not able to ssh into the instance using my vm(centos7), whereas i can ssh using putty pls help!..


<br>[defaults]<br>filter_plugins =./filter_plugins<br>roles_path = ./roles<br>sudo_user = root<br>host_key_checking = False<br>retry_files_enabled = False<br>password = ~/password.txt<br>timeout = 25<br><br>

cat /root/.ssh/config

<br>Host 10.100.*<br> ProxyCommand ssh -A -W %h:%p ec2-user@<br> User ec2-user<br> Port 22<br><br>


<br>---<br>- hosts:<br># connection: local<br> become_user: root<br> become: yes<br> gather_facts: true<br> roles:<br> - zabbix<br>
