I am running ansible on a macbook pro. when i use mail Mod like this…
- name: Send Emails
local_action: mail
subject=“Company WFI Report – Automated email”
body=“This email is automated contact Colin Mackenzie if you have problems”
to="Blah0.Blah0@company.com, Blah1.Blah1@company.com, Blah1.Blah1@company.com"
attach=‘/Users/mackc/ansible/reports/{{ inventory_hostname }}-WFIActiveViewers-{{ filename_date_part }}.txt’
I get this error:
fatal: [WEBNODE1 → localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “failed”: true, “invocation”: {“module_args”: {“attach”: “/Users/mackc/ansible/reports/WEBNODE1-WFIActiveViewers-20160602124241UTC.txt”, “bcc”: null, “body”: “This email is automated contact Colin Mackenzie if you have problems”, “cc”: “Colin.Mackenzie@company.com”, “charset”: “utf8”, “from”: “Colin.Mackenzie@company.com”, “headers”: null, “host”: “localhost”, “password”: null, “port”: “25”, “sender”: “blah.Blah@company.com”, “subject”: Compnay WFI Report – Automated email", “subtype”: “plain”, “to”: “Blah2.Blah0@company.com, Blah1.Blah1@company.com, Blah2.Blah2@company.com”, “username”: null}, “module_name”: “mail”}, “msg”: “Failed to send mail to server localhost on port 25: [Errno 61] Connection refused”, “rc”: 1}
I can send email fine from the command line like this:
uuencode /Users/mackc/ansible/reports/areport areport | mail -s “Company Report” colin.mackenzie@company.com
What am i missing so i can send email from ansible playbook i have?
Thanks for anyone taking the time to respond.