Connect awx to postgres database on localhost

Hello All,
Just cloned awx-13.0.0. I decided I want to connect awx to a postgres
database. I am running RHEL 7, with ansible 2.9, python3, etc, docker-compose 1.26.

I have postgres up and running, I created a database in there called awx, with an awx user
and the awx users password.

it won’t connect to the postgres database. any suggestions?


ior what am i missing?


Hello Eric ,

Can you try with this.

  • First connect to the container ,get container id by running docker ps
  • docker exec -it containerID bash- Connect to the database
  • psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U awx -W- List the databases
  • \l
    Hope it helps.

Hello Harsh Chawda,
Thanks for the reply - I will take a look at this.