Conditional Roles

Not sure if this has been asked before, but I needed to include some playbooks conditionally, each of these was a top level that ran on different hosts:

  • include: play1.yml
    when: “'var1 in some_list”

  • include: play2.yml
    when: “‘var2’ in some_list”

But apparently this doesn’t work, no errors are generated, but the playbooks are always inlcuded and run even when the condition is false. So I took my conditions to another level inside and applied them to roles:


  • hosts: hosts
    user: root
  • { role: role1, when: “'var1 in some_list” }
  • { role: role2, when: “'var1 in some_list” }

But this results in a whole lot of skipped output in the run. There must a cleaner way to do this?


The only conditional applicable to a play, is the hosts: selection.

Iincludes, roles and everything else won't get conditions applied, but
they can pass them on to the only object that is subject to
conditions, the tasks.

this changes a bit in v2 but that is still in development.

‘Hosts’ has to have a group name infront of it right? To be able to apply the condition, could I conditionally include the relevant hosts to that group?

possibly, but the variables you have available in that scope is small.