Conditional import for playbooks import

You really should not try to include different playbooks based on
environment levels in my opinion, but keep different *variables* based
on those environments.

Different playbooks would most likely correspond to a branch in git, a
different playbook file, and likely a different inventory source file
(-i production or -i stage).

Using -i production -i stage works great when having a single playbook for both environment (ie: webservers.yml)
When there is a different set of tasks, what you are saying is to use something like : -i stage webservers_stage.yml ?
Also, how would you handle common tasks between stage and production?

Thanks !

The ideal stage stage environment is a model of a production, and only
differs in terms of groupvars/ and hostvars/ files.

You can also target plays super easily too:

hosts: webservers:&stage

all webservers in stage

hosts: webservers:!production

all webservers not in production

So you could have a small play in your playbook (webservers.yml) that
just pays attention to the group.

Remember a playbook can include more than 1 play, and it becomes
easier to do things like this.

Targeting plays this way is great. I am having a single yml file and still can address specific
tasks to specific hosts. Thanks!

There is one thing that do not work with our set up though.

In /common we keep generic playbooks like this one:


  • hosts: Debian_6_x86_64
  • include: “X_install_debian.yml”

The idea is to have OS agnostic ready to use common playbooks.

We use them by calling

  • hosts: webservers:&prod
    user: root

  • group_by: key=“${}${ansible_lsb.major_release}${ansible_machine}”

  • include : common/install_x.yml

The problem is that if later in the file, we set up a new group_by

  • hosts: webservers:&stage
    user: root
  • group_by: key=“${}${ansible_lsb.major_release}${ansible_machine}”
  • include : common/install_x.yml

The group Debian_6_x86_64 will be composed by webservers:&prod AND webservers:&stage

I realise this could be a group_by bug/feature. In another way having to re-create a group using group_by seems a little heavy.
I am very open to any suggestions that would make possible this very purpose: generic reusable playbooks with os type separated tasks.

Thanks again for your time.


One way to fix this in your case, would be to change

        - group_by:


        - group_by:

You can also decide to target just stage or prod in an easier way by
keeping seperate inventory

ansible-playbook foo.yml -i stage

which is a less risky version of:

ansible-playbook foo.yml --limit stage

because if you leave off the limit, it would run on both, and that
would be bad :slight_smile: