condition in playbook

hi all,

below is my playbook ia m trying to add some variable in extra_vars: argument and based on the condition but its giving error can some guide me how can we mention this like if string ‘oracle’ is there in template_name variable i need to add some extra var otherwise it should not add.

  • name: Run PPS Patch
    awx_url: “{{ awx_url }}”
    username: “{{ username }}”
    password: “{{ password }}”
    scm_branch_for_agent: “{{ scm_branch_for_PPS }}”
    project_name: “{{ project_name }}”
    template_name: “{{ job_temp_name }}”
    customEE_name: “{{ customEE_name }}”
    inventory_name: “{{ inventory_name }}”
    ip_add: “{{ vm_ipv4_address }}”
    skip_tags: “{{ skip_tags }}”
    sat_client_id: “{{ sat_client_id }}”
    sat_client_secret: “{{ sat_client_secret }}”
    websec_prod_id: “{{ websec_prod_id }}”
    websec_prod_secret: “{{ websec_prod_secret }}”
    radius_secret: “{{ radius_secret }}”
    {% if oracle in job_temp_name %}
    ansible_distribution: “RedHat”
    patch_enablerepo: “value”
    standard_enablerepo: “value”
    {% endif %}
    playbook: “{{ patch_playbook }}”
    when: not is_pps_template or (‘FAILED’ in status_check.tie_patch)
    register: ppsstatus_check
    until: “‘patch.yml completed successfully’ in ppsstatus_check.output”
    retries: 3
    delay: 10
  • pps_update
  • pps-patch

I have never seen a task called "template_run", is this something
custom that you built?

I don’t know what consumes this (“template_run”?), but you could try this:

sat_client_id: “{{ sat_client_id }}”
sat_client_secret: “{{ sat_client_secret }}”
websec_prod_id: “{{ websec_prod_id }}”
websec_prod_secret: “{{ websec_prod_secret }}”
radius_secret: “{{ radius_secret }}”
ansible_distribution: ‘{{ “RedHat” if “oracle” in job_temp_name else omit }}’

patch_enablerepo: ‘{{ “value” if “oracle” in job_temp_name else omit }}’

standard_enablerepo: ‘{{ “value” if “oracle” in job_temp_name else omit }}’

but I don’t really expect that to work.

You’d have to be pretty desperate to use this, but I would handle it using my “logical” filter:

    - name: Run PPS Patch
        awx_url: "{{ awx_url }}"
        username: "{{ username }}"
        password: "{{ password }}"
        scm_branch_for_agent: "{{ scm_branch_for_PPS }}"
        project_name: "{{ project_name }}"
        template_name: "{{ job_temp_name }}"
        customEE_name: "{{ customEE_name }}"
        inventory_name: "{{ inventory_name }}"
        ip_add: "{{ vm_ipv4_address }}"
        skip_tags: "{{ skip_tags }}"
        <b># requires "ansible-galaxy collection install utoddl.logical"
        extra_vars: "{{ extra_vars_ | utoddl.logical.logical }}"</b>
        playbook: "{{ patch_playbook }}"
      when: not is_pps_template or ('FAILED' in status_check.tie_patch)
          sat_client_id: "{{ sat_client_id }}"
          sat_client_secret: "{{ sat_client_secret }}"
          websec_prod_id: "{{ websec_prod_id }}"
          websec_prod_secret: "{{ websec_prod_secret }}"
          radius_secret: "{{ radius_secret }}"
            - if:
              - "{{ 'oracle' in job_temp_name }}"
              - ansible_distribution: "RedHat"
              - patch_enablerepo: "value"
              - standard_enablerepo: "value"</b>
      register: ppsstatus_check
      until: "'patch.yml completed successfully' in ppsstatus_check.output"
      retries: 3
      delay: 10
       - pps_update
       - pps-patch

This won't work as playbooks themselves are not jinja2 evaluated, only
keys inside a play are

          {% if oracle in job_temp_name %}
          ansible_distribution: "RedHat"
          patch_enablerepo: "value"
          standard_enablerepo: "value"
          {% endif %}

An alternative would be:
          ansible_distribution: "{{ oracle in job_temp_name|
ternary('RedHat', omit) }}"
          patch_enablerepo: "{{ oracle in job_temp_name|
ternary('value', omit) }}"
          standard_enablerepo: "{{ oracle in job_temp_name|
ternary('value', omit) }}"

let me try this thanks,