Comprehensive operator list / cheatsheet (needs a lot of work)

Nice, +1, this has been on my list for a while, thnx!

Brian Coca

What’s the best place for something like this? I’d argue its so useful we should get something on the site asap.

There’s already a glossary page on the doc site, perhaps extend that with a section or so?

I think it could also use some crosslinks to the rest of the documentation if folks would like to try to add them.

It should also probably have a table/column format where we can add in when versions were added/or deprecated in favor of newer versions.

I’d like to reactivate this thread, since I would really enjoy having kind of handy concise cheat sheet… For instance, I’m now looking for all available facts and I have to use this template-dump trick to know available variables:

HOSTVARS (ANSIBLE GATHERED, group_vars, host_vars) :

{{ hostvars[‘wip-box’] | to_yaml }}


{{ vars | to_yaml }}

Michael, would you accept an initial pull request to add a “cheat sheet” to official documentation ?

Michael, would you accept an initial pull request to add a "cheat sheet" to
official documentation ?

Of course he would [*], if you make it really, really good! :wink:


[*] Well, I'm hoping he would.

FYI possibly related to

As long as it’s part of the project source and easy to make patches to, sure.