Comparing two files registering the difference


I have requirement to compare local file with remote file. Example I have a copy of standard /etc/hosts file and I need to compare that file with remote host /etc/hosts file to check the difference. If there is difference it should register it and proceed with next task. I tried various option like diff and stat but unable to get expected result.

Is there any way I can execute that.



I have requirement to compare local file with remote file. Example I have a copy of standard /etc/hosts file and I need
to compare that file with remote host /etc/hosts file to check the difference. If there is difference it should register
it and proceed with next task. I tried various option like diff and stat but unable to get expected result.

Is there any way I can execute that.

With the stat module you should be able to establish whether the files have different checksums. What did you try


If you want to 'see the diff' , just use copy in check and diff mode

I resolved it


  • name: copy hosts for validation file
    src: ./templates/hosts
    dest: /tmp/hosts
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: ‘0644’
    backup: yes

  • name: compare md5 local copy host file
    path: /tmp/hosts
    checksum_algorithm: md5
    get_checksum: yes
    register: originalfile

  • name: compare md5 remote hosts file
    path: /etc/hosts
    checksum_algorithm: md5
    get_checksum: yes
    register: remotefile

  • name: Verify host files md5 value
    msg: “File Compare hash value of {{ remotefile.stat.checksum }} is same as {{ originalfile.stat.checksum }}.”
    failed_when: remotefile.stat.checksum != originalfile.stat.checksum