Comparing two datasets


I have a Grafana installation and I would like to query the HTTP API and then compare the data sources on the server to a dict for the data sources. If one of the data sources in the dictionary is new I would like to create it (later I will work on changing).

I’m thing that I need to do some type of nested loop but, can’t seem to figure it out.

Any help would be very much appreciated.


This is what I have in the dictionary:

- debug: var=grafana_ds

TASK: [grafana | debug var=grafana_ds] ****************************************
<some_server> ESTABLISH CONNECTION FOR USER: ansible
ok: [some_server] => {
"var": {
"grafana_ds": {
"cache_stats": {
"access": "direct",
"basicAuth": false,
"basicAuthPassword": "password",
"basicAuthUser": "user",
"database": "cache_stats",
"isDefault": false,
"jsonData": null,
"password": "password",
"type": "influxdb",
"url": ["https://some_other_server"](https://some_other_server),
"user": "user"
"deliveryservice_stats": {
"access": "direct",
"basicAuth": false,
"basicAuthPassword": "basicpassword",
"basicAuthUser": "basicuser",
"database": "deliveryservice_stats",
"isDefault": false,
"jsonData": null,
"password": "password",
"type": "influxdb",
"url": ["https://some_other_server"](https://some_other_server),
"user": "user"
"test_stats": {
"access": "direct",
"basicAuth": false,
"basicAuthPassword": "basicpassword",
"basicAuthUser": "basicuser",
"database": "test_stats",
"isDefault": false,
"jsonData": null,
"password": "password",
"type": "influxdb",
"url": ["https://some_other_server"](https://some_other_server),
"user": "user"

This is what the HTTP API Returns:

- name: Get a list of Data Sources
url: [https://](https://){{ inventory_hostname }}/api/datasources
return_content: yes
method: GET
HEADER_Authorization: Bearer {{grafana_api_key}}
HEADER_Accept: application/json
HEADER_Content-Type: application/json
validate_certs: no
register: playbook_grafana_ds

TASK: [grafana | debug var=playbook_grafana_ds.json] **************************
<some_server> ESTABLISH CONNECTION FOR USER: ansible
ok: [some_server] => {
"var": {
"playbook_grafana_ds.json": [
"access": "direct",
"basicAuth": false,
"basicAuthPassword": "",
"basicAuthUser": "",
"database": "cache_stats",
"id": 1,
"isDefault": false,
"jsonData": null,
"name": "cache_stats",
"orgId": 1,
"password": "password",
"type": "influxdb",
"url": ["https://some_other_server"](https://some_other_server),
"user": "user"
"access": "direct",
"basicAuth": false,
"basicAuthPassword": "",
"basicAuthUser": "",
"database": "deliveryservice_stats",
"id": 2,
"isDefault": false,
"jsonData": null,
"name": "deliveryservice_stats",
"orgId": 1,
"password": "password",
"type": "influxdb",
"url": ["https://some_other_server"](https://some_other_server),
"user": "user"

Here is the start of the task that I’m trying to accomplish but, doesn’t even come close to working:

- name: Create Data Sources
url: ``[https://](https://){{ inventory_hostname }}/api/datasources
return_content: yes
method: POST
HEADER_Authorization: Bearer {{grafana_api_key}}
HEADER_Accept: application/json
HEADER_Content-Type: application/json
body: "{{ lookup('template','../templates/datasources.json.j2') }}"
validate_certs: no
when: item.key not in playbook_grafana_ds.json
with_dict: grafana_ds


Here is the solution a co-worker and I came up with:


# result is a temp var
- name: Get a list of Data Sources
url: [https://](https://){{ inventory_hostname }}/api/datasources
return_content: yes
method: GET
HEADER_Authorization: Bearer {{grafana_api_key}}
HEADER_Accept: application/json
HEADER_Content-Type: application/json
validate_certs: no
register: result

- debug: var=result.json

- set_fact: pb_ds="{{ result.json|map(attribute='name')|list }}"

- debug: var=pb_ds

- debug: var=data_sources

- debug: msg="{{item.key}} not there {{item.value['type']}}"
when: item.key not in pb_ds
with_dict: data_sources

- name: Create Data Sources
url: [https://](https://){{ inventory_hostname }}/api/datasources
return_content: yes
method: POST
HEADER_Authorization: Bearer {{grafana_api_key}}
HEADER_Accept: application/json
HEADER_Content-Type: application/json
body: "{{ lookup('template','../templates/datasources.json.j2') }}"
validate_certs: no
when: item.key not in pb_ds
with_dict: data_sources

The data_sources dictionary:

url: [https://](https://)<some_server>
access: direct
type: influxdb
password: password
user: user
database: cache_stats
basicAuth: 'false'
basicAuthUser: user
basicAuthPassword: password
isDefault: 'false'
jsonData: 'null'
url: [https://](https://)<some_server>
access: direct
type: influxdb
password: password
user: user
database: deliveryservice_stats
basicAuth: 'false'
basicAuthUser: basicuser
basicAuthPassword: basicpassword
isDefault: 'false'
jsonData: 'null'