Common group_by's or include a setup play before running playbook

I want to have a way to globally define OS dependent variables. I currently am doing this with something like this at the top of my playbooks


  • name: Gather facts
    hosts: the_hosts_we_are_applying_playbook_on
    tags: always
  • group_by:
    key: os_family_{{ ansible_os_family | lower }}

and define stuff in group_vars/os_family_redhat.yml etc.

I would like to have this globally so that I haven’t have to define this in every playbook. Is there a way to have a playbook run every time before the one defined on command line? I’m thinking of something like

ansible.cfg: [default] before_playbook = setup.yml

Could this be done with a plugin that is called after ‘setup’ has been called?

Soon, first need to merge this, which then makes this
possible (but you'll
need fact caching enabled).

Looks promising. Being able to manipulate groups in plugins would solve a bunch of problems.