command line multi-tag task filter

hi all,

i promise i searched for this, but could not find a clear answer on whether or not this is possible … i have this command:

ansible-playbook -vv -i development_hosts master.yml --tags “mysql,configure” -u foo -K

what i was HOPING for that it would ONLY run the tasks that have been tagged “mysql AND configure” … not “mysql OR configure” … does anyone know if this is possible and what the correct syntax might be ??


p.s. just started ansible development a few days ago, coming over from chef, and am happy for the switch

Hi Gregory,

Currently the tags are “OR” operations.

Ansible would probably endorse a syntax of “–tags mysql:&configure” to match the host specs, but again, currently just “or”.

(There’s a feature ticket somewhere for making this support a syntax like our host specifiers – if it does, “–list-tasks” in playbooks must also use matching code so it lines up.)

thanks for the speedy reply !!