Tried encapsulating it in " "?
when: {{ omgeving }} == “{{ europort.environment }}”
Tried encapsulating it in " "?
when: {{ omgeving }} == “{{ europort.environment }}”
That advice is not it, Lester, as you can see from his above message that the variable didn’t expand.
The problem is that you have defined “europort” as a list of a single item that contains a hash, rather than a normal hash.
Try this:
Ah ok, but how do I manage multiple items then Like they way I have it now:
environment: eptm
epuser: eepletm
orasid: EPTM
changenr: 02940328
version: “0508”
patches: “02”
environment: ept1
epuser: eeplet1
orasid: EPT1
changenr: 02940328
version: “0508”
patches: “02,04”
environment: ept2
epuser: eeplet2
orasid: EPT2
changenr: 086940328
version: “0509”
patches: “09,10,11”
environment: ept4
epuser: eeplet4
orasid: EPT89
changenr: 029sdsd328
version: “0508”
patches: “001,01,02”
I think the syntax you are looking for is:
when: omgeving == item.environment
with_items: europort
That was the exact “fix”.