Collection inclusion: vote on collections submitted for inclusion before starting the review process

This immediately brings to mind this discussion, which I think is relevant: Should we keep the fortinet collections (fortinet.fortimanager, fortinet.fortios) in the community Ansible package?

I feel strongly against the idea that we should reject collections that meet the requirements based on a purely subjective “worthiness” metric.

It’s very subject to bias, more so than other criteria.

I would like to understand what’s at the root of this idea. It feels like we’re starting with the conclusion (“some collections are not worthy of being in the package”) without defining why we think that.

If the motivation is, “There’s too many reviews to do” then that’s how we should center the discussion. If the motivation is, “The package size is too large”, then we can talk about that, if it’s “I don’t see the use for certain collections and don’t like seeing them” we can even discuss that! If this comes from the opinion that the community package should simply not exist (something that has also been raised), then we can revisit that too.

Whatever it is, I think we ought to first be discussing the problem statement before we propose solutions.