Hi AWX community,
Did anyone get any success with clustering up some standalone docker instances? I’ve followed the clustering guide from Tower 3.2.1 documentation but I can’t get to a state where the two instances I have are aware of each other at all.
I’ve seen a couple of posts here about dynamic clustering being worked on only for OpenShift (1), instance groups worked on for OpenShift again (2) and the instance groups being “technically supported but hard to configure in AWX” (3).
What I need is a redundant setup of AWX machines that doesn’t multiplicate jobs (preferably with some “jump hosts”, but that’s not required). Do you have any recommendations on that?
(1) https://github.com/ansible/awx/issues/74
(2) https://groups.google.com/d/topic/awx-project/_7PQp8PD96g/discussion
(3) https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/awx-project/clustering|sort:date/awx-project/wI5LCwNBYaA/QGfFyUmlAgAJ
Best regards,