I’m using the cloudformation module to start a stack.
Everything works. But, I’d like to update the stack now that it is running.
According to the documentation, the stack can be updated if the template changed (below)
Just touching the template file with new date values doesn’t work. What about the template has to change before the module will update a running stack?
I haven’t actually checked the module code, but I think it always makes the request to cfn, and relies on cfn to determine whether there are any changes or not. So it’s up to cfn. Changing the timestamp of the template file has no effect - the template content is unchanged so there is nothing for cfn to do.
Ben is correct. The change is determined by AWS CloudFormation API endpoint, not by Ansible itself. Changes to resources, parameters, outputs, etc would indicate a change according to the Cloudformation API, not to timestamp alone.