with all the latest changes I’ve been wondering which version are we supposed to “support” with new modules? Ansible 2.0 and greater? The customer I am working at at the moment is still on 1.9.3 I believe and won’t update any time soon.
Also, PowerShell / Windows modules.
Which PowerShell versions are we supposed to use?
I have no official advice, but I would aim for Ansible 2.0 and greater. In my experience as long as it supports at least Powershell 3.0 in Strict mode you’ll be fine.
Is that so?
Will all code I write for modules in Ansible 2.0 also work in older versions as long as my code loves StrictMode?
Get-AnsibleParam will be back ported to Ansible 1.9.x then for example?
Not official position, but I think only security fixes likely to get included in releases older than current development version.
Given ansible 2.0 is now in beta, I would not count on there being any further 1.9.x releases and would definitely target Ansible 2.0 for any modules you want included.
If you need to maintain a version that is compatible with older ansible versions for a particular customer then you can include a custom module in their /etc/ansible/library (or equivalent location - can be customised in ansible.cfg if I recall).