choose random host frm the playbook to delegate to

I need to run jib on one host from the hosts in playbook. To distribute
it, should be random host. But as many time as I run the playbook,
always the first host is chosen. Please, what do I wrong? Right now ,
there are only two hosts in the list. See sample playbook.


- hosts: jobs
    lock_file: /tmp/test.lock

  - name: "create lock file"
      path: "{{ lock_file }}"
      mode: 0600
      owner: root
      group: root
      state: touch

  - set_fact:
      job_host: "{{ ansible_play_batch|random }}"
    run_once: True
    delegate_to: ''

  - name: "do action on one host"
      path: "{{ lock_file }}.xxx"
      mode: 0600
      owner: root
      group: root
      state: touch
    run_once: True
    delegate_to: "{{ job_host }}"

  - name: "remove lock file"
      path: "{{ lock_file }}"
      state: absent
