chmod not working

HI, I have a play that SHOULD copy a file over from my server to a Windows box AND set permissions to 660 (notice I have tried both modes below separately):


src: /ansible/playbook/

dest: C:\mydir\

state: file

mode: “ug+rw”

OR mode: 0660

The play runs w/o fail.

Unfortunately, though, when I stat the file I see:

$ stat


Size: 17 Blocks: 1 IO Block: 65536 regular file

Device: d22da4adh/3526206637d Inode: 562949953957599 Links: 1

Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 544/Administrators) Gid: (197121/ None)

Access: 2018-01-03 14:17:25.989300300 -0800

Modify: 2018-01-03 14:17:20.822769500 -0800

Change: 2018-01-03 14:17:20.822769500 -0800

Birth: 2018-01-03 14:17:25.989300300 -0800

Any idea WHY?

From what I can tell of the documentation, win_copy does not support a mode argument. It’s likely just being ignored, due to how the argument parsing in windows modules is currently handled.

Wow, that’s something HOPEFULLY will be supported in the future. Thank you.

Windows does not use the standard user/group/all permissions that are in use with most unix servers so the mode option most likely will never be supported. Windows uses ACLs to set permissions on files and folders and these are a lot more complicated than the mode permissions.

While you can’t do it in one task with win_copy, the win_acl module is designed to set ACL’s on a file/folder to achieve a similar result.



Thanks Jordan,
I am trying win_acl:

  • name: chmod


user: user

path: C:\cygwin\etc\

type: allow

state: present

rights: Read,Write


When I stat I still get:

Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 544/Administrators) Gid: (197121/ None)

Please note I’ve tried using user: Administrators instead of the specific user.

Any idea why it doesn’t work?