Hi ,
I have written few tests using ansible . basicall suspending a VM and then resuming again , taking snapshots etc… I need to check success or failure of these operations. I am registering a vraibklle to capture the output as below and writing the results in a local file.
I am not sure about the correct way of capturing the success or failure through the registered variable.
Thanks for your help!
name: Suspend the Single Machine
module: vmware_guest
hostname: ‘{{ hostname }}’
username: ‘{{ username }}’
password: ‘{{ password }}’
name: ‘{{ item }}’
esxi_hostname: ‘{{ esxi_hostname2 }}’
template: ‘’
is_template: no
datacenter: ‘{{ datacenter_name }}’
state: ‘suspended’
force: yes
validate_certs: False
with_items: -
‘{{ guest_list[0] }}’
register: taskresult1
ignore_errors: True -
shell: echo “HPQC xxx Passed Suspend the Single VM” >> results.txt
when: taskresult1|succeeded
delegate_to: localhost -
shell: echo “HPQC xxx Failed Suspend the Single VM” >> results.txt
when: taskresult1|failed
delegate_to: localhost
taskresult1 has following content.
TASK [VCENTER_VM_SuspendRes : debug] ************************************************************************************************************************************
task path: /etc/ansible/roles/VCENTER_VM_SuspendRes/tasks/main.yml:54
ok: [xxxxxx] => {
“msg”: {
“changed”: false,
“msg”: “All items completed”,
“results”: [
“_ansible_delegated_vars”: {
“ansible_delegated_host”: “localhost”,
“ansible_host”: “localhost”
“_ansible_item_result”: true,
“_ansible_no_log”: false,
“_ansible_parsed”: true,
“changed”: false,
“failed”: false,
“invocation”: {
“module_args”: {
“annotation”: null,
“cluster”: null,
“customization”: {},
“customvalues”: ,
“datacenter”: “Datacenter”,
“disk”: ,
“esxi_hostname”: “xxxxx”,
“folder”: “/vm”,
“force”: true,
“guest_id”: null,
“hardware”: {},
“hostname”: “xxxxx”,
“is_template”: false,
“name”: “test1”,
“name_match”: “first”,
“networks”: ,
“resource_pool”: null,
“state”: “suspended”,
“template”: “”,
“template_src”: “”,
“username”: “administrator@vsphere.local”,
“uuid”: null,
“validate_certs”: false,
“wait_for_ip_address”: false
“item”: “test1”