Checking if a variable is defined in included tasks

Hi all,

I’ve just started learning Ansible and I have a question about checking for defined variables in included tasks. I’m writing an infrastructure role as a part of my test project configuration. Currently, the role only creates infrastructure users by including a “create infrastructure user” task and looping over a users variable containing a list of usernames and associated SSH public keys:

My main.yml tasks for the role:


  • name: Create infrastructure users
    include_tasks: user.yml
    username: “{{ item.username }}”
    ssh_key: “{{ item.ssh_key }}”
    loop: “{{ users }}”


My user.yml tasks:


  • name: “Create infrastructure user {{ username }}”
    name: “{{ username }}”
    state: present

  • sudo
    append: yes

  • name: “Set SSH key for {{ username }}”
    user: “{{ username }}”
    key: “{{ ssh_key }}”
    when: ssh_key is defined


Now, if a user doesn’t have an ssh_key defined, I would expect the authorized_key task not to run. However, I get the following error message:

The conditional check ‘ssh_key is defined’ failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (ssh_key is defined): ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘ssh_key’

The error appears to have been in ‘/home/bozho/projects/vault/roles/infrastructure/tasks/user.yml’: line 9, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

The offending line appears to be:

  • name: “Set SSH key for {{ username }}”
    ^ here
    We could be wrong, but this one looks like it might be an issue with
    missing quotes. Always quote template expression brackets when they
    start a value. For instance:


  • {{ foo }}

Should be written as:


  • “{{ foo }}”


If I rewrite the when condition as:

when: dict.ssh_key is defined


everything works as expected (i.e. the tasks is skipped for users with no ssh_key set.

Is this the expected behaviour? I would expect task parameters to be handled as variables.

Thank you!

To me this seams like a bug.

Personally I have never used vars: on include_tasks: I just use item variable directly and have no problems with that.
To use item directly you code would look like this:

   - name: Create infrastructure users
     include_tasks: user.yml
     loop: "{{ users }}"
