Hesitantly opening old can of worms …
First of all - I couldn’t possibly agree more, renaming things is pretty awful and painful for users. I also don’t believe anything has changed this this topic was discussed six months ago regarding usage. There are still folks out there using folsom/quantum - and in fact, given the continued meteoric rise of ansible, there are almost certainly more people out there with playbooks that reference quantum_ that would be broken by a name change than there were six month ago. But herein lies the ultimate problem - in order to avoid breaking people, which is exactly the right choice, there continue to be an increasing number of new users of a legacy name.
To be clear and upfront - I don’t care specifically about the neutron/quantum naming thing itself - if I have to write things that say quantum, ok - no big deal - I’m more interested in thinking about the general upgrade/rename problem of which this is just a conveniently specific example. I’m opening my stupid mouth mainly because I’m starting to look in to re-writing a chunk of our cloud management infrastructure with ansible, because you guys have done a really great job - and I’m concerned about incurring some new technical debt. That is - if I start writing a bunch of roles and playbooks that reference quantum_ now, and at some point in the future we may rename them, I’m putting myself in a known hole. In fact, really, there’s never going to be a good time to do that - it’s always going to suck for someone.
SO - and please tell me if I’m on crack here - would you be open to adding a general ansible feature similar to aliases but for module names? That way we could more gracefully handle renames that come up allowing people a transition period.
Looking at the code, there does not seem to be a good way to implement this in a perfect clean and efficient manner. The ideas I’ve come up with so far are:
- symlinks. Kinda gross a little bit, but would work with no code changes. Breaks on Windows. So no.
- Putting a declarative thing that’s always read in each module file. Even grosser, since it would require actually reading files to find the file to load - super slow and clunky. No.
- Putting an optional declarative thing that can be searched for on module load failures. This would put the cost on anyone using an alias. Additionally, one could put this behind a config option that defaults to off - but now I’ve just described a baroque system that’s really hard to reason about.
I hate all of those - but just including them for completeness.
- A global extensible alias registry. The one in the tree could simply be a dict in lib/ansible/utils/plugins.py that can do a quick mapping at the top of PluginLoader.find_plugin. Like:
_global_aliases = {
‘neutron_network’: ‘quantum_network’,
def find_plugin(self, name):
‘’’ Find a plugin named name ‘’’
if name in _global_aliases:
name = _global_aliases[name]
That would allow the core team the ability to manage a rename over time. Additionally, one could add a configuration option that could point to a site yaml file that would allow installations to define aliases - but I actually personally don’t like that - because it has the possibility to just introduce a bunch of not-very-useful divergence in people’s playbooks.
I know that people suggesting things without code are as bad as people writing code without talking to people. So I figured I just do both simultaneously and either be twice or half as bad. ) I’ve cooked up two pull requests - one that just adds the mechanism and a mapping of neutron to quantum, and another one which includes the first but also renames the modules, changes the alias order and updates the docs.
If either of these are interesting, then awesome. If they’re not - certainly no worries, it’s been a fun morning of poking anyway.