Hi guys,
I kinda feel ashamed asking this kind of questions but I'm currently
still learning Ansible, only started a week ago and I have to complete
this as a part of a personal project that I will present.
I wrote a simple playbook for changing passwords on linux systems,
will have to add module for windows later but now the issue is with
AIX systems.
User module isn't working for AIX, I tried things from internet but no
success so I wrote a script that changes the password on AIX with 2
arguments, user and password---> as a result the password is changed
for that user.
What I have to do in the playbook is to run copy and run this script
on the remote server with the password and user that I give give using
-e when the remote system is AIX:
- name: User configuration
remote_user: root
hosts: "{{ hosts }}"
- name: Password change Linux
name: root
state: present
update_password: always
password: "{{ admin_password | password_hash('sha512') }}"
shell: /bin/bash
- name: Copy pw change script AIX
src: /root/docker/centos7-ansible/chpas.sh
dest: /tmp/chpas.sh
mode: 0777
register: script_copy
when: ansible_distribution == 'AIX'
- name: Execute pw change AIX script
command: /tmp/chpas.sh root "{{ admin_password }}"
when: (ansible_distribution == 'AIX') and
(script_copy.rc == 1)
register: script_execute
- name: Clear files
path: '/tmp/chpas.sh'
state: absent
when: (ansible_distribution == 'AIX') and
(script_execute.rc== 1)
the error is :
TASK [Gathering Facts]
chpass.yml (895 Bytes)