Change password using script

Hi guys,

I kinda feel ashamed asking this kind of questions but I'm currently
still learning Ansible, only started a week ago and I have to complete
this as a part of a personal project that I will present.

I wrote a simple playbook for changing passwords on linux systems,
will have to add module for windows later but now the issue is with
AIX systems.
User module isn't working for AIX, I tried things from internet but no
success so I wrote a script that changes the password on AIX with 2
arguments, user and password---> as a result the password is changed
for that user.
What I have to do in the playbook is to run copy and run this script
on the remote server with the password and user that I give give using
-e when the remote system is AIX:

- name: User configuration
  remote_user: root
  hosts: "{{ hosts }}"

    - name: Password change Linux
        name: root
        state: present
        update_password: always
        password: "{{ admin_password | password_hash('sha512') }}"
        shell: /bin/bash

    - name: Copy pw change script AIX
        src: /root/docker/centos7-ansible/
        dest: /tmp/
        mode: 0777
      register: script_copy
      when: ansible_distribution == 'AIX'

    - name: Execute pw change AIX script
      command: /tmp/ root "{{ admin_password }}"
      when: (ansible_distribution == 'AIX') and
            (script_copy.rc == 1)
      register: script_execute

    - name: Clear files
        path: '/tmp/'
        state: absent
      when: (ansible_distribution == 'AIX') and
            (script_execute.rc== 1)

the error is :

TASK [Gathering Facts]


chpass.yml (895 Bytes)

Issue solved, used "is succeeded" for validation instead of rc == 1

Still could use if i found out what's wrong with using rc since the
syntax is the same as on ansible website

Most modules doesn't return rc and copy is one of them

You can always use this to show what a module is returning.

- debug: var=<variable name>

Thanks Kai, I searched for more information on rc but the
documentation is poor. Thank you for the information!