CenturyLink nested groups - how to create a server?

I am using Ansible v2 and I am able to create a server on CenturyLink in a group “MyGroup” using the new clc_server module:

The problem is this: I have a group “ChildGroup” inside “ParentGroup” created on CenturyLink.
I am trying to create a server under “ChildGroup” - but getting the error:
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “failed”: true, “msg”: “Unable to find group: ‘ChildGroup’ in location: CA3”}

What is the correct syntax to specify nested groups as a destination for a server in a playbook?

I tried various combinations of ‘ParentGroup/ChildGroup’ or ‘ParentGroup.ChildGroup’ but none works.

I am doing a very basic deployment, like this:

- name: Provision a single Ubuntu Server
    name: app01
    template: ubuntu-14-appsrv
    group: 'ChildGroup'
    state: present
Thank you,