Can't run playbook against multiple nodes using and AWS tags


I’m using the Amazon Dynamic inventory script from here. I’ve created some instances on EC2, and have given all of them a custom tag called Purpose, with a value like NodePurpose, and instance names Node1, Node2 etc.

I’ve written a playbook with:

do you nodes have the same ssh key?
is ubuntu your remote_user ?
is ~ubuntu/.ansible writable/readable?

Better yet, can you show us your playbook and the task it is failing on?

The nodes have the same ssh key, and the user is correct. In fact, when I try the playbook with --limit, and apply it on one node at a time, it works correctly. It’s only when I group nodes using a custom EC2 tag, that this happens.

Also, this has happened with several playbooks, and always during the “setup” task, before any of my own tasks. To demonstrate this, I wrote this ultra-simple playbook:

  • hosts: tag_Purpose_NodePurpose
    gather_facts: True
    become: yes
  • debug: msg=“This is just a demonstration”

It still happens. I got the following output (some stuff redacted):

I also ran the same playbook ONLY on the node that failed above, and it worked correctly.

I believe I figured out the problem. I had set my control_path to this value in ansible.cfg:

control_path = %(directory)s/%%r

Which didn’t include %h (ie hostname), so connections overwrote each others’ control sockets (by default, ansible seems to re-use SSH connections as decribed here).

I tried both adding %h to the control path, and disabling multiplexing (ControlMaster=no), and both succeeded.

So, kids, include at least %h, %p and %r in the control path, as the man page suggests, so that connections don’t get mixed up.