Cannot specify volume_size together with id or snapshot (ec2_vol) - How to increase size while creating volume from snapshot?

I have the use case where I want to create a snapshot, make a new volume from that snapshot, but larger, and then attach the new volume to an instance.

So far, I have the snapshot creation working, but the ec2_vol module is now telling me that I cannot specify a volume size with the snapshot id. Why not? This is something I can do in the web GUI.


  • name: snapshot current backup volume
    aws_access_key: “{{aws_key}}”
    aws_secret_key: “{{aws_secret}}”
    region: “{{aws_region}}”
    state: present
    wait: yes
    wait_timeout: 0 #0 means Never timeout(sec)
    description: “snapshot of xvdj from backup server taken {{ansible_date_time.iso8601}}”
    instance_id: “i-a34c2967”
    device_name: “/dev/xvdj”
    frequency: random
    client: jdelaporte
    Name: “backups_{{ansible_date_time.iso8601}}”
    register: new_snapshot

  • name: get instance id for current nfsmaster
    aws_access_key: “{{aws_key}}”
    aws_secret_key: “{{aws_secret}}”
    region: “{{aws_region}}”
    register: nfsmaster_info

  • name: create new volume from new backup data snapshot
    aws_access_key: “{{aws_key}}”
    aws_secret_key: “{{aws_secret}}”
    region: “{{aws_region}}”
    state: present
    device_name: /dev/xvdz
    volume_size: 700
    snapshot: “{{new_snapshot.snapshot_id}}”
    instance: “{{}}”
    volume_type: standard
    with_items: “{{nfsmaster_info.instances}}”


failed: [localhost] ... "msg": "Cannot specify volume_size together with id or snapshot"