Cannot build AWX following Contributing guide on Mac.

ok so I have two other colleagues who are having the same issue, both also on Mac OS.

One thing I’ve noticed is the contributing guide states that I should have the following image.

host)$ docker images

REPOSITORY                                   TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
ansible/awx_devel                            latest              ba9ec3e8df74        26 minutes ago 

However I seem to have two ( or are they just one linked to each other? )

ansible/awx_devel latest 45d2e7b81f43 20 hours ago 1.92GB devel 45d2e7b81f43 20 hours ago 1.92GB

Because its failing at the start up of ' devel ’

“TAG=devel docker-compose -f tools/docker-compose.yml up --no-recreate awx”

Hi good news, I seemed to have resolved the issue.

I did a make clean and tried again and it seemed to build fine, not sure what the issue was, but glad it’s