Hey All,
I recently gotten my AWX instance up and running in an AWS environment. I was wondering if anyone knew how to setup access to a jump host to access network devices without an ssh key for authentication with the jump host. I have it working when running manually by inserting the line: ansible_ssh_common_args: -o ProxyCommand=“sshpass -p ‘password’ ssh -W %h:%p [username]@[ip-address] -p [port]” in my group_vars/all.yml file. I’ve read that we can enter the same ansible_ssh_common_args line into the awx_task container, however I don’t want to expose users passwords to the bastion host that way. It doesnt seem like there is a playbook-level way to allow a user to use their credentials to log into a network device through a bastion host that I can find without using sshpass. Anyone run into this before?