I am looking to update multiple similar config files and am looking for the best path.
Updating individual files I have down pat with lineinfile and with_items. The trick this time is that I have a directory that contains multiple files in which I want to make the same update. My original idea was to make a role that made the multiple updates to an individual file using with_items. I was then thinking of trying to use with_items on the role. Unfortunately it looks like I can’t use with_items on a call to a role.
If I have to I can just call the role multiple times with a variable name with the file name as a parameter. Is that my best bet or did I miss something ?
update config file
- { role: update-config-file
with_items: - { tool-file-name: ‘file1’ }
- { tool-file-name: ‘file2’ }
- { tool-file-name: ‘file3’ }