Can we use Ansible to deploy tasks on hardware level e.g., firmware upgrade on dell server

Hi All,

Can we use Ansible Ad-hoc commands / playbooks to make changes at Dell/HP/IBM servers hardware level e.g., firmware,bios upgrade


Hello Surya,

you can follow two paths:

- use raw module (as i did years ago with a simple IMM interaction)

- look for appropriate modules or develop them. Check ansible
collections, maybe this modules already exists


> Can we use Ansible Ad-hoc commands/playbooks to make changes at
> Dell/HP/IBM servers hardware level e.g., firmware,bios upgrade

you can follow two paths:
- use raw module (as i did years ago with a simple IMM interaction)
- look for appropriate modules or develop them. Check ansible
  collections, maybe this modules already exists

In addition to this search Galaxy. For example

Many Thanks for the update Luca

Many Thanks Vladimir