can we not use 2 var_files in a playbook

I am getting error saying I am using 2 var_files.
ERROR! failed at splitting arguments, either an unbalanced jinja2 block or quotes:

I also tried using include_vars which gave me same error, the values in these 2 files need to be replace at diff locations at play book
some one please suggest what is the best way for this

name: post call to get servergroup
hosts: localhost
become: true
gather_facts: no

  • name: set the facts per host
    access_token: “{{ hostvars.localhost.output.stdout }}” # this is the output of the above play
  • name: Make a post call to get server details
    shell: |
    cd /var/output/
    curl --location --request GET “{{ serverlist }}” --header 'Authorization: Bearer “{{ access_token }}” > /var/output/“{{ item }}”.json
    jq -r ‘.|.serverData.servers’ “{{ item }}”.json > /home/deploy-user/ansible/group_vars/“{{ item }}”.yml

item and server list from one file and

register: data

  • debug: msg=“data , {{ repo }}” # this need to replaced from one var file
  • dev
  • uat
  • stg2

I am getting error saying I am using 2 var_files.

What is that error exactly?

ERROR! failed at splitting arguments, either an unbalanced jinja2 block or quotes:

This is another error then?

I also tried using include_vars which gave me same error, the values in these 2 files need to be replace at diff locations at play book
some one please suggest what is the best way for this
name: post call to get servergroup
  hosts: localhost
  become: true
  gather_facts: no
    - name: set the facts per host
        access_token: "{{ hostvars.localhost.output.stdout }}" # this is the output of the above play
    - name: Make a post call to get server details
      shell: |
        cd /var/output/
        curl --location --request GET "{{ serverlist }}" \--header 'Authorization: Bearer "{{ access_token }}" > /var/output/"{{ item }}".json
        jq -r '.|.serverData.servers' "{{ item }}".json > /home/deploy-user/ansible/group_vars/"{{ item }}".yml
      # item and server list from one file and

Instead of having ansible execute several shell commands piped
together, you should use native modules, like,
register the result, and then operate/make decisions based on that.

register: data
    - debug: msg="data , {{ repo }}" # this need to replaced from one var file
        - dev
        - uat
        - stg2

"replaced from" is unclear - you usually replace something with
something, or by something.
Rather than guessing what you might mean, please try to be more clear.

Your problem is overquoting. The in-line shell script is already in a kind of quotes, so you don’t have to quote again your jinja expressions’ mustaches. All those double-quotes remain in the fully templated shell script.

Or it might be that the opening single quote of your --header value is never closed.

Or both of those things.

Your curl command places the output in /var/output/{{ item }}.json.
Your jq command reads the output from {{ item }}.json which is not /var/output/{{ item }}.json.


thank you all for your findings and recommendations

In the same playbook I would like to explain one more scenario , I am using set_facts to use above playbook output as input in the playbook, and I have variables.yml

It has to go through loop and get the server details from each environment, will my below playbook work
my variables.yml file

Environment and os as input to pull all servers out of this

serverlist: “{{ item }}&os=linux” +#

item should be replaced with the item from the loop and pass it to below playbook


  • “variables.yml”
  • name: set the facts per host
    access_token: “{{ hostvars.localhost.output.stdout }}” # this is the output of the above play
  • name: Make a post call to get server details
    shell: |
    cd /var/output/
    curl --location --request GET {{ serverlist }} --header Authorization: Bearer {{ access_token }} > /var/output/servers1.json

jq -r ‘.|.serverData.servers’ servers1.json > /home/deploy-user/ansible/group_vars/servers1.yml
register: data

  • debug: msg=“data , {{ serverlist }}” # this need to replaced from one var file
  • dev
  • uat
  • stg2

will my below playbook work
I don’t think so.

  1. Your serverlist is a string with “{{ item }}” in it, but you’re using it in a shell module invocation with no loops, i.e. where “item” isn’t defined.

  2. In your shell script, your jq output is being directed in group_vars/server1.yml with replacement. Once you fix issue #1 and start looping, you’ll find servers1.yml contains the data only for the last iteration.

I’m puzzled by your placement of the serverlist definition in a separate file rather than in a vars: section in the playbook, or even hard-coded directly in the embedded shell script. Nor is it clear to me what you expect the final debug step to show you. I mean, we know it will look like this:

TASK [unnamed debug loop] ******************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=dev) => {
“msg”: “data ,
ok: [localhost] => (item=uat) => {
“msg”: “data ,
ok: [localhost] => (item=stg2) => {
“msg”: “data ,

but what’s the point?

Thankyou for taking time and looking into it…
you made a valid questions,

  1. I am trying this approach so that I can pass {item} as jenkins parameters. when dev fro item group is given it should print all servers from that env.
  2. group_vars/server1.yml I am trying to get the first part working so I did not specify the output file here. ( will make a note next time not to miss it)

also can you please elaborate more here “Your serverlist is a string with “{{ item }}” in it, but you’re using it in a shell module invocation with no loops, i.e. where “item” isn’t defined.”

I mean best possibilities to fulfill my need.