Can´t execute tasks as sudo

Good afternoon.

I am trying to execute tasks with sudo but i am getting troubles, i don´t have root access.

I enabled privilege escalation in the jobs and set the sudo password and user name but nothing, does not work.

PS: The user has sudo privileges.

Anyone can help me?

Thank you.

become needs to be set to true not yes

become: true


Hi Micah

Thank you for helping me, but that is not the problem, look like the “yes” and “true” are equal, as fact in ansible documentation they use yes instead true.

Thank you

sexta-feira, 23 de Agosto de 2019 às 17:19:53 UTC+1, Micah escreveu:

Can anyone execute tasks as sudo on AWX?

SSH LOGS: osboxes sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by

The session was opened as root but the task was not executed as sudo.

Good afternoon.

For reference the issue is that i was trying to escalate for my user. I removed my username from “Privilege Escalation Username” and now it´s working. Thanks.

sexta-feira, 23 de Agosto de 2019 às 17:17:49 UTC+1, André Trindade escreveu: