If I’m calling the role newrelic.newrelic-infra that uses the package module, is there a way to set or override lock_timeout’s default value of 0 ?
Can you suggest another solution than forking the role, rewriting the task in an OS dependent way using the yum module and setting lock_timeout ?
I have a simple playbook below to setup a web application firewall. I’m using Amazon Linux 2 (4.14.123-111.109.amzn2.x86_64) with python (v2.7.14) that has installed Ansible (v2.8.1) via pip. Packer (v1.4.1) builds of AMI’s thru ansible_local fail with
amazon-ebs: TASK [roles/newrelic.newrelic-infra : install agent] ***************************
amazon-ebs: fatal: []: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “yum lockfile is held by another process”}