Can ansible work without Python2.7 on target (remote) machine? We cannot install python in remote machine as there might not be internet connection available.


I would like to confirm if ansible can be used without python2.7 on target machine, if there is any way …? We will not be able to able to install python on target machine using ansible raw module as there may not be internet access. Any other alternatives?

We want to run just shell command in background in the remote machine (using nohup or &). I could not run it using "raw"module. Any other way to achieve this without python2.7 on target machine?


I would like to confirm if ansible can be used without python2.7 on target
machine, if there is any way ..? We will not be able to able to install
python on target machine using ansible raw module as there may not be
internet access. Any other alternatives?

Copy over the OS packages you need to install Python, if that is not an alternative, you are left with the raw module.

We want to run just shell command in background in the remote machine
(using nohup or &). I could not run it using "raw"module. Any other way to
achieve this without python2.7 on target machine?

nohup and & won't work with the shell module either.
Create init script and start them with the raw module.

I have to withdraw my statement, it was based on some people having problem getting nohup and & to work with shell.

I did a test my self and nohup with & work with the shell module.