Can Ansible interact with an application?

I am writing a playbook to set up new VM’s remotely, and two of the tasks require interaction with a utility and an app, and I’m presuming this could be done in Ansible, but have no idea how, so I’m looking for a pointer to the appropriate tutorial, or confirmation that Ansible can’t do it.

The first task is setting up the partitions, so I would need to start either fdisk or parted (easy) but then I need to input commands to create the partitions, wait for a new prompt, etc etc, then quit the utility. Here’s how I would do it manually ($ = command line prompt, > = utility prompt):

$fdisk /dev/sda

[Enter] #use default for beginning of new partition
+15G # make the partition 15GB in size
[Enter] # default start of partition
[Enter] # partition runs to end of disk

The second task requires installing and setting up a MongoDB instance. I’ve got the installation bit ready and tested, but again have no idea how to set it up using Ansible. Specifically, I need to start the Mongo console (easy), but once the console is started, I need to give it a command that loads a .js which sets up the database. More specifically, once the console is started, it gives me a prompt (>) and waits for my input. I want ansible to then input


Can someone point me to pertinent tutorials?

regards, Richard

You can use parted in non-interactive mode, something like this:

command: parted -s /dev/{{ item.key }} unit s mklabel msdos mkpart primary 16384 100% set 1 lvm on

Or, there is expect module, but I don’t recommend it in this case.


trešdiena, 2016. gada 13. aprīlis 15:16:59 UTC+2, richard kappler rakstīja:

Brilliant! Thanks Edgars, I wasn’t aware of non-interactive mode.