I am trying to do two things:
- Call a variable while trying to set_fact within a jinja pipe filter
- Prevent fails when the user isn’t found
- name: “Find the user_id for {{ user }}”
uid: “{{ (userinfo.json.users|selectattr(‘username’,‘match’,‘MYVAR’)|list|first).user_id }}”
If this is possible, what is the proper syntax for the variable MYVAR? Everything I am trying fails.
In addition, I can’t use “failed_when: false” with the above and get it to work (ie passing in a non-existent user into MYVAR)–it seems to get ignored and ansible exits with a failure. What would be the proper way to prevent this from failing Ansible when the user isn’t found?
Figured it out. I just call the variable with nothing else:
- name: “Find the user_id for {{ user }}”
uid: “{{ (userinfo.json.users|selectattr(‘username’,‘match’,MYVAR)|list|first).user_id }}”
Still trying to figure out how to keep the set_fact from failing when passing in a non-existent user. If you have ideas for that, please let me know.
ignore_errors: yes works with set_fact
Figured it out. I just call the variable with nothing else:
- name: "Find the user_id for {{ user }}"
uid: "{{
Using ignore_errors is a bad practice IMHO.
If you get no hits you "|list" will be empty and you "|first" filter will fail so you need to run it through default filter.
{{ (userinfo.json.users|selectattr('username','match',MYVAR)|list|first|default()).user_id }}"
But this will also fail since user_id doesn't exist in a empty list do you need to run that through the default filter as well.
So this should work without ignore_errors
{{ (userinfo.json.users|selectattr('username','match',MYVAR)|list|first|default()).user_id