Callback with grafana

Hello guys,

I’m trying to set up callback not available from the ‘’ link, but it is not working and displays the following message:

[DEPRECATION WARNING]: callback grafana_annotations, does not support configuration of ‘options’, will work for now, but this will be necessary in the future and should be updated,
see the 2.4 portability guide for details. This feature will be removed in version 2.9. Discontinuance warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings = False in ansible.cfg.
[ERROR]: Could not send message to Grafana: HTTP Error 404: not found

My configuration is as follows /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg:
roles_path = / etc / ansible / roles
host_key_checking = False
stdout_callback = yaml
callback_whitelist = grafana_annotations
log_path = /var/log/ansible.log
grafana_url =
grafana_api_key = my_token
validate_grafana_certs = False
grafana_panel_id = 10
callback_plugins = / etc / ansible / callback_plugins /
bin_ansible_callbacks = True

In the / etc / ansible / callback_plugins / directory, it has the following file:

What may be the problem?

I configuration replace ‘grafana_url =’ to ‘grafana_url =’ and not report error ‘[ERROR]: Could not send message to Grafana: HTTP Error 404: not found’.

But, not send data to grafana.