Hi Jason
I have tried the ansible playbook that you created.
Here are the issues I am facing at this time.
- while creating running the playbook I got
TASK [Open port 80 in the firewall] ********************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “failed”: true, “msg”: “Destination /etc/sysconfig/iptables does not exist !”, “rc”: 257}
to get rid of this error I added /etc/sysconfig/iptables manually, whereas in my server iptables service was disabled. Is it mandatory to have iptables settings in place?
- Second error:
TASK [SELinux allow to connect to MySQL] ***************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “failed”: true, “msg”: “This module requires libselinux-python support”}
I installed the rpm in order to get rid of this error. This can be added to the instruction.
- Third Error:
TASK [SELinux allow to connect to MySQL] ***************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “failed”: true, “msg”: “SELinux is disabled on this host.”}
By default in my server SELINUX was disabled. Is it Mandatory to be the SELINUX to be enabled?
to get rid of this I enabled SELINUX.
After this The playbook ran successfully.
But I was unable to create a VM.
Error 1: “Invalid HD Side” I have HD side as 20/30/50
where as when I gave the value as 100 or 200 the error disappeared.
Error 2: when I rerty a VM creation, it says already exists in the DB, whereas the node was not created at all, Is the nodename getting saved in DB somewhere? If yes then how to clean that up?
Overall, I am not able to find out why the VM creation is not working.
Is there any way to check any logs to find out the errors? which log to check?
Thanks and regards