Build a file based on list only when another part of list matches ansible_hostname

I need to create a file based on the output of the csv_content variable. Specifically I want to extract the ErrorMessage only, but the caveat is that I want only the errors associated with ansible_hostname. That way on each server I am extracting only the ErrorMessages that are relevant to that server

Sample output from list:


ok: [] => {
“csv_content”: {
“changed”: false,
“dict”: {},
“failed”: false,
“list”: [
“Customer”: “MyCustomerName”,
“ErrorCount”: “7563”,
“ErrorMessage”: “consider creating an index or changing the query”,
“Host”: “MyCustomerName-prod-author1”,
“InstanceId”: “i-0d0a56f41f9042c4f”,
“PossibleReason”: “Missing search index that causes large repository traversal causing performance issues due to high disk I/O”,
“RecommendedActions”: "Contact customizer to create required search index - ",
“Severity”: “MAJOR”,
“Source”: “/mnt/crx/author/crx-quickstart/logs/error.log”
“Customer”: “MyCustomerName”,
“ErrorCount”: “27882”,
“ErrorMessage”: “consider creating an index or changing the query”,
“Host”: “MyCustomerName-prod-httpd1”,
“InstanceId”: “i-087c38748d150c4fa”,
“PossibleReason”: “Missing search index that causes large repository traversal causing performance issues due to high disk I/O”,
“RecommendedActions”: "Contact customizer to create required search index - ",
“Severity”: “MAJOR”,
“Source”: “/mnt/crx/publish/crx-quickstart/logs/error.log”


My attempt:


  • name: Extract Errors
    line: “{{ item.ErrorMessage }}”
    path: “{{ error_log }}”
    insertafter: EOF
    create: yes
    state: present
    loop: “{{ csv_content.list }}”
    when: csv_content.list.item.Host is search(ansible_hostname) <------------ Doesn’t work and I don’t even know if I can do something similar to this in a loop


I was able to figure it out. I just had to think about it a bit more:


  • name: Extract Errors
    line: “{{ item.ErrorMessage }}”
    path: “{{ error_log }}”
    insertafter: EOF
    create: yes
    state: present
    loop: “{{ csv_content.list }}”
    when: item.Host is search(ansible_hostname)
