Build a custom apache module vs. using it through a role


I'm using the geerlingguy.apache role to deploy apache, in my case
onto Ubuntu 16.04.
This works great.
The machine needs to run a custom build apache module, but I'm not
sure what the best way is to order things.

The apache role takes care of enabling modules, and also the vhost
config - which includes module specific statements.
If I want to use that then obviously the module first has to exist.

So I first run a playbook to compile my module. The resulting module
definition should go into /etc/apache2/mod-available/mymodule.load -
which doesn't exist.

It's a bit of a chicken/egg situation.

I could just create /etc/apache2/mods-available/mymodule.load in the
first playbook, so that the apache role can find it, but that seems
Or is this not a problem?


Dick Visser