bug in authorized_keys module?


Wanted to verify that I'm not doing something dumb before opening a
bug report. I pulled Ansible this morning.

Using the authorized_keys module to copy keys to hosts, I lose the
quote marks around the key restrictions. I have keys with limitations
on them, such as:

from="" ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1...

When copied via authorized_keys, it shows up as:

from= ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1...

This keyfile is not usable for authentication, generating a the error:

Bad options in /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/ansible file, line 1:

Should the authorized_keys module do behave this way? Or am I probably
doing something wrong?


I don't think the current module is aware of from and command sections.

The arguments after ‘authorized_key:’ are tokenized by shlex, which is probably stripping out the quotes.

Right, more of a feature request IMHO, but it would be nice to be able to support these.

I recall a pull request to support them but it wasn’t possibly ready because it included them as part of the key and maybe couldn’t modify them like you would expect.

currently authorized_keys treats the whole thing as a string and matches
it, this breaks with from and command fields as you cannot use the same key
more than once (only 1 instance will work), so this needs a bit more
complex logic (separate into fields => match on key => update fields).

Yes, I’d like it to take the from= and other fields as parameters.


Feature request logged as issue #3921. Mostly so other people who have
this problem will find a mention of it.

For now, I'm going back to copying the key files.


Using the authorized_keys module to copy keys to hosts, I lose the
quote marks around the key restrictions. I have keys with limitations
on them, such as:

Use ", that works for me.

All the best,
