Bootstrapping host using ansible ?

Forgive me this possibly naive question, I’m new to ansible.

I would like to upload the public key used for ssh authentication with ansible.
There is an ansible module ( to do that.

But I can’t find an example how to call it directly (not from a playbook).

The problem is the key argument for which I have a file. From the documentation I need to pass the argument value

key="{{ lookup('file', '') }}"

How do I do that on the command line ?

I expect something like this

$ ansible all -m authorized_key -a "user=root key=xxx" --ask-pass 

What should I put at the ‘xxx’ ?

Hi, in this invocation you need to supply key itself to ‘key’ parameter.


Dne 14. 1. 2016 17:01 napsal uživatel “Christophe Meessen” <>:

@Christophe - I bootstrap my hosts with a few roles in which one of those is to upload ssh keys and another one to manager users which I run prior to the SSH key role.