When trying to run 2 plays, if first one hit block rescue, why it will stop second play?
name: Install docker.
hosts: all
tasks: -
name: Include prerequisites tasks for RedHat-based OS.
block: -
name: Include prerequisites tasks.
ansible.builtin.include_tasks: “{{ ansible_distribution }}-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.yml”
rescue: -
name: Install dependencies.
name: “{{ docker_version }}”
use: dnf
state: present
become: true -
name: Other ansible roles.
hosts: all
roles: -
role: ansible-role-a
role: ansible-role-b
role: ansible-role-c
Scenario above: “Other ansible roles” won’t be executed because it hit rescue in “Install docker.” I thought block rescue were supposed to be used to prevent hitting errors and exit?