block in file with loop


I am trying to write ansible playbook for Nagios client installation and configuration.

- name: untar Plugin Zip file to libexec directory
     command: mount | grep -v "rootLV" | grep ext4 | awk '{print $3}'
     register: dirlist

- name: create Nagios Host ServiceConfig file
     dest: /scripts/{{ ansible_hostname }}_svc.cfg
     block: |
     define service{
     host_name {{ ansible_hostname }}
     service_description {{ item }} filesystem
     check_command check_nrpe!check_disk_boot
     max_check_attempts 3
     normal_check_interval 5
     retry_check_interval 3
     check_period 24x7
     notification_interval 120
     notification_period 24x7
     notification_options w,u,c,r
     contact_groups touchpoint
     notifications_enabled 1}

  with_items: "{{dirlist.stdout_lines}}"

I was trying to create service configuration file using above playbook but it's been failing. Can someone guide me on this

Care to tell us the exact error? "failing" can mean lots of things.

Does "ansible-playbook --syntax-check yourplaybook.yml" bring any more
details that are helpful?
