binding vars to the output of tasks/plays

   What i'm looking for specifically is to be able to do something

  - include: ec2/new_instance.yml region=us-west2 env=staging
  - include apiserver/setup.yml instanceid=(the one setup above)
  - include apiserver/runtests.yml instanceid=(the one setup above)
  - include ec2/terminate_instance.yml instanceid=(the one setup

IMO the ability for one task to inject variables back into the
playbook would be immensely powerful.


Tasks can actually do this, they just have to return a dictionary of ansible_facts.

A patch to enable “last result” of some kind would not work well, because a given include statement could have many many tasks, and you also wouldn’t want to say
“back up the stack N”.

A better idea is probably to have something like “save_result_as: varname”

  • name: do stuff
    action: command /bin/whatever foo
    save_result_as: varname

  • name: do other stuff
    action: command /bin/whatever foo {{ varname[“stout”] }}

(this being a variable saved in SETUP_CACHE, most likely, and obviously usable in templates and not just action lines)

This would potentially be useful with things like only_if, where you could run one command and then switch on the result.

If someone can get me a decently clean patch to do this, I think it’s a useful feature.