BigIP_Pool monitor template not found

I have a play that works when I use:

monitors: “/Common/http” or any of the other default montors, but when I try to use one that I created manually I get “01070022:3: The monitor template /Common/SPIFFYCUSTOM_MONITOR was not found.'”

  • name: Create or Config non-clientweb Pools
    lb_method: “least_connection_member”
    monitors: “/Common/SPIFFYCUSTOM_MONITOR”
    name: “{{ item | upper }}_80_POOL”
    server: “{{ inventory_hostname }}”
    slow_ramp_time: “120”
    state: present
    user: “{{ f5_user }}”
    password: “{{ f5_pass }}”
    with_items: “{{ Pools }}”
    delegate_to: localhost

It works fine if I add the custom monitor via the GUI client after the pool is created, am I missing something on the path to the monitor?


Sean, try the module found in the f5-ansible side-band repository here. It will be upstreamed once the new dev window for Ansible is opened.


Thanks for the response. I wound up fixing it by fixing my syntax:

name: “{{((item[0], item[1],‘_80_POOL’) | join )| upper }}”

was what I needed for the with_nested.

  • Sean